Package com.singularsys.jep.walkers

package com.singularsys.jep.walkers
Expression tree traversal classes.

These classes implement various methods of traversing trees representing equations. For very large equations with 10,000+ nodes the standard ParserVisitor class can encounter problems with stack overflows due to recursions. The PostfixTreeWalker offers a base class for a traversal strategy which minimises the number of stack frames used and the PostfixEvaluator is an evaluator which uses this strategy. These methods visit each node in postfix fashion hence for 1+cos(x) the nodes are visited in the order 1, x, cos, +.

PrefixTreeWalker is similar but visits nodes in a prefix fashion for 1+cos(x) the nodes are visited in the order +, 1, cos, x.

DoNothingVisitor and DeepCopyVisitor are two base classes for classes which manipulate expressions using a standard recursive traversal. DoNothingVisitor visits each node in turn performing no action and returning the node. DeepCopyVisitor visits each node returning a copy of that node.

  • Classes
    A Visitor which returns an exact copy of the tree.
    A Visitor which visits each node of an expression tree and does nothing.
    Consolidates nested addition and multiplication to produce nary operators.
    Remove a specific hook from any node which has it on a tree
    Imports an expression from one Jep instance into another.
    Evaluation component that avoids excessive use of the stack for large expressions.
    Base class for routines which use a non-recursive tree walker strategy.
    Dumps the contents of a tree to a specified stream, or to standard output.
    Base class for routines which use a non-recursive tree walker strategy.
    Allows substitution of variable with values or expressions.
    Analyze an expression, counting the number of nodes of each type, and recording which variables, functions and operators occurred in the expression.