Package com.singularsys.jep.misc.threadsafeeval

package com.singularsys.jep.misc.threadsafeeval

Classes to allow a simple method of evaluation in multiple threads. Each thread has its own ThreadSafeEvaluator and VariableTable, but all threads can share the same expression. This differs from the technique which uses a SerializableExpression to create a copy of the expression for each thread. The disadvantage of this method is that evaluation is somewhat slower by around 5%. On the plus side construction time is quicker as a new expression does not need to be construct for each thread.

To set up the thread safe evaluation:

   Jep baseJep = new Jep(new ThreadSafeEvaluator());
   baseJep.getOperatorTable().getAssign().setPFMC(new ThreadSafeAssign());
   baseJep.getOperatorTable().getEle().setPFMC(new ThreadSafeEle());

A Jep instance for a new thread can be created with

   Jep childJep = new Jep(new LightWeightComponentSet(baseJep));

A expression can be parsed in the base jep and evaluated in either. Both jep instances have their own variable tables and the variable values are independent.

   Node node = baseJep.Parse("y=x^2");
   Object res1 = baseJep.evaluate(node); // result is 4
   Object res2 = childJep.evaluate(node); // result is 9
   Object val1 = baseJep.getVariableValue("y"); // result is 4
   Object val2 = childJep.getVariableValue("y"); // result is 9
Jep 3.5
See Also: