Class IllegalParameterException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class IllegalParameterException extends EvaluationException
Represents an illegal parameter
Richard Morris
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • IllegalParameterException

      public IllegalParameterException(PostfixMathCommandI pfmc, int pos, Class<?> expectedClass, Object actualObject)
      Exception where the target type is known.
      pfmc - the object generating the exception
      pos - position in the argument list, 0 is the first argument
      expectedClass - the expected class of the argument
      actualObject - the actual value of the argument
    • IllegalParameterException

      public IllegalParameterException(PostfixMathCommandI pfmc, int pos, String expectedMsg, Object actualObject)
      Exception where a specific message is given for the expected type
      pfmc - the object generating the exception
      pos - position in the argument list, 0 is the first argument
      expectedMsg - message to display about expected object type
      actualObject - the actual value of the argument
    • IllegalParameterException

      public IllegalParameterException(PostfixMathCommand pfmc, int pos, Object value)
      An exception where the expected type is not known.
      pfmc - the object generating the exception
      pos - position in the argument list, 0 is the first argument
      value - the actual value of the argument
    • IllegalParameterException

      public IllegalParameterException(PostfixMathCommand pfmc, Object arg1, Object arg2)
      An exception where two arguments are incompatible.
      pfmc - the object generating the exception
      arg1 - first argument
      arg2 - second argument
  • Method Details

    • getMessage

      public String getMessage()
      getMessage in class Throwable
    • getFunctionName

      public String getFunctionName()
    • getArgumentNumber

      public int getArgumentNumber()
      Gets the number of the argument with the first argument being 0.
      the position
    • getExpectedClass

      public Class<?> getExpectedClass()
    • getActualObject

      public Object getActualObject()
    • getActualClass

      public Class<?> getActualClass()
    • getPfmc

      public PostfixMathCommandI getPfmc()